It is widely acknowledged that the UK higher education sector is behind the curve in terms of offering a truly personalised, seamless and painless prospective student journey. There are pockets of good practice but it remains true that there are lessons to be learned from universities overseas and other industries here in the UK.


Many universities continue to operate fragmented data models, systems and processes, resulting in pain points across the prospective student journey and inefficient deployment of resources.

Prior to COVID-19, a personalised prospective student journey was an issue facing many HEIs in the UK, particularly as global markets became increasingly competitive. However, the current crisis means that now more than ever UK universities need to transform how they design and deliver their offer and associated customer journeys. This will ensure they attract and convert the right students and ensure the organisational design is fit for purpose and operating efficiently.

Join our higher education experts from SUMS Consulting and Microsoft for an insightful webinar series that provides practical solutions to enable your organisation to maximise future growth whilst developing and deploying effective marketing strategy to support your ambitions.

The series provides recommendations based upon the latest insight from the higher education sector as well as good practice examples from the UK and overseas. We will share achievable technology-driven solutions for how you can transform your prospective student journeys and your overall approach to student recruitment to increase lead generation and conversion.

Webinar 1 – Cutting through the COVID noise: the need for transformation today
Thursday 16 July, 14:15 – 15:00
Find out more and register here>

Webinar 2 – Proposed solutions: the quick wins
Thursday 6 August, 14:15 – 15:15
Find out more and register here>>

Webinar 3 – Playing the long-game: learning from the quick wins for the long-term solution
Thursday 17 September, 14:15 – 15:15
Find out more and register here>>

Who should attend?  CMCOs, CDOs/CIOs, Director and Deputy Director-level marketing and recruitment professionals.

In collaboration

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